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    Tagjustme ctid
    LocationNorth West
    Last Seen12 hours, 5 mins ago
    Join Date6th May 2025, 11:53 am

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    Warning Report

    Warning Report

    Date:31st August 2025, 8:40 pm
    Title:League Quitter
    Reason:Quit season 5. Removed from EL3.

    warning History

    152 warnings have been issued in total

    warning To Title Reason By Date
    justme ctid Abuse Abusive pm's sent to other members. neil363 15/03/07
    Ghost851 Not arranging games Not aranign games in EL2 - no league spot next season Argo0 12/03/07
    SAnderson82 not arranging games Not arranging games in EL2- no league place next season Argo0 12/03/07
    Rockybullet not arranging games Not arranging games in EL2- No league place next season Argo0 12/03/07
    JJ fake account again abusive and general wanker Boobiesaregreat 12/03/07
    Tommy B banned abusive and using the peado lark again! think its same account Boobiesaregreat 11/03/07
    spooks22 abuse came on shouting his mouth about us being paedos, once is enough, good bye m0nkeymafia 11/03/07
    spooks22 abuse came on shouting his mouth about us being paedos, once is enough, good bye m0nkeymafia 11/03/07
    andy989 Recruiting for the competition Recruiting via xbox live against people he is playing From our wonderful site do it again and you will be permantly banned fom this site! Tomski 01/03/07
    Smurfdrl Quit season 7 S7 PES5 league. Has had to quit due to too much on. neil363 27/02/07
    rabin2005 Removed from league. S7 EL3. No sign for 6 days or so. Only played 4 games so far. Removed and replaced. neil363 25/02/07
    AidanK93 New account. Old account AK360. Had a yellow card so just issuing this as well. For the record, quit EL4 and IL1 without any warning. neil363 24/02/07
    DJPerkins Removed! S7. removed from EL3, being removed from Prem! Not been on site for 13 days but has been on Live! neil363 21/02/07
    d dub x Gone walkabout. S7 EL1. Not been on site for 6 days, no pm's to let us know whats going down. Removed and replaced. neil363 19/02/07
    MaRkO1878 No play! Signed up to S7 WC. Not played or arranged a single game. neil363 17/02/07
    craigrizla No play! Signed up to S7 WC. Not played or arranged a single game. neil363 17/02/07
    omes2032 League Quitter! S7. Quit EL4 and G2. No replies to pm's. neil363 15/02/07
    jacksonz2 Removed from league No attempt made to play games in S7 EL4. Replaced. neil363 11/02/07
    aaronc333 abusive abusive pm sent to another member Boobiesaregreat 08/02/07
    trw1979 Banned member Banned member neil363 05/02/07
    Nixonator23 Banned! abuse to other members and overall behaviour on the site! Tomski 05/02/07
    Nixonator23 Abusing admin urling abuse at admins and other players. Also threatening behaviour BC PimpDaddy 05/02/07
    rabona Banned Replicant banned account HERE Tomski 15/01/07
    Cristiano007 Banned member Removed from site neil363 14/01/07
    only toe knee Banned member Removed from site neil363 14/01/07
    Simoi Time waster Can't be bothered arranging/playing games in EL1 even though i have left them open for 3 weeks! Defo shouldnt get a league spot for a while Argo0 09/01/07
    Munter Shunter Quitter Quit EL 3with 4 games left to play BC PimpDaddy 08/01/07
    Joker0074 Goner Never ever put in a cxompettiopon on BOTN again! Tomski 07/01/07
    manchesterchav airmax spamming the rank up request section and abusing all members Boobiesaregreat 05/01/07
    manchesterchav BAnned Memeber Do 1 u lil twat Willstev 05/01/07
    PELE 91 Pooled games! 2 final I league games pooled. No attempt to reply even though was asked to on numerous occasions. neil363 05/01/07
    Joker0074 No attempt to play Just pooled approx 10 Prem fixtures. No attempt to play. 4th yellow card. And what do 4 yellows make????? neil363 05/01/07
    paulus123 Refused result Refused to accept a 3-0 loss in el4 and doesnt seem to want to play the 2nd fixture. neil363 31/12/06
    Joker0074 Pooled games! Loads of games pooled. No league spot next season. neil363 28/12/06
    grahamy10 ARRANGING Not arranging or attempting to play games, no league spot nxt season for this guy BC PimpDaddy 26/12/06
    JACKassTimmy Banned for ridiculous match fixing 14 games with the resulst as so put through the system! WFT JACKassTimmy 0 Vs. 2147483647 Android2O2 Tomski 22/12/06
    Android2O2 Banned for ridiculous match fixing 14 games with the resulst as so put through the system! WFT JACKassTimmy 0 Vs. 2147483647 Android2O2 Tomski 22/12/06
    RazorsharpDB TWAT As above! Now fuck off! neil363 13/12/06
    Ciderb0y League quitter! S6 league quitter. Removed from EL4 and IL2. Not the usual, fedup story tho, this is a decent excuse. Should be allowed backin leagues again in the future. neil363 11/12/06
    deanzzie Removed from league! Way behind in league games, not responding to pm's. Removed from league neil363 07/12/06
    Joker0074 League quitter S6 Quit EL1. Been busy, not enough time to play the leagues. neil363 06/12/06
    Rhydem League quitter! S6 GL2 league quitter. Willstev 05/12/06
    damo1406 Games Arranging No games arranaged in g2 section whatsoever this had to improve or you will be removed !!!! Willstev 04/12/06
    Rhydem Games Arranging Not using the forums to arrange games. If this doesnt improve u will be removed. You have been warned!! Willstev 04/12/06
    Eric Shaun 360 League quitter! S6 UCL2. Quit UCL2 due to having no laptop. neil363 04/12/06
    Biscuits007 League Quitter! S6 Quit both el2 and G1 leagues. neil363 03/12/06
    deanzzie game arranging not using teh forums to arrange games. If this doesnt improve u will be removed. You have been warned!! BC PimpDaddy 01/12/06
    simbasamba game arranging Has only played 4 games and is not using teh forums to arrange games. If this doesnt improve u will be removed. You have been warned!! BC PimpDaddy 01/12/06
    simbasamba game arranging Has only played 4 games and is not using teh forums to arrange games. If this doesnt improve u will be removed. You have been warned!! BC PimpDaddy 01/12/06
    timmy winston Removed from league Removed from EL4 S6 due to not playing games. neil363 30/11/06
    Asigaru Removed from league Removed from PES5 league S6 due to not playing games. neil363 27/11/06
    BoZZ4 League Quitter! Quit UCL1 S6. neil363 25/11/06
    crazy gooner League Quitter! Again, quits the league. This time S6 EL4. Reason: Was fouled last man. neil363 24/11/06
    grahamy10 League Quitter! S6 EL3 league quitter. neil363 23/11/06
    FEXT League quitter! quit EL2 S6 after 4 games played. neil363 21/11/06
    DeanoS86 League Quitter! S6 league quitter due to abuse from other members. neil363 17/11/06
    Smokey657 League Quitter! Quit Premiership S6, 2 fixtures played. neil363 15/11/06
    trw1979 Racism Racism against fellow member neil363 11/11/06
    Jobi Juan Racism Racism against fellow member neil363 11/11/06
    Biscuits007 Abuse! Abusive match report vs Oj4y 08/11/06 neil363 08/11/06
    TheMightyMonkey Season 6 quitter Has quit EL4 2 days into the new season. neil363 07/11/06
    CAFCmatt Pooled games 2 fixtures pooled out of 3 in the N vs S cup. No forum usage neil363 14/10/06
    Mackem77 Threatening Behaviour Attempting to threaten and intimidate site members. PimpRock1 06/10/06
    makkyb Pooled Games Games pooled and no forum usage against Oj4y. PimpRock1 02/10/06
    ASBO R4881T Pooled Games Six games pooled and no forum usage. PimpRock1 02/10/06
    toffee77 Pooled games! Too many games pooled in EL4 S5. No forum usage! neil363 01/10/06
    Clearster Pooled games Too many games pooled in EL4 S5. No forum usage! neil363 01/10/06
    FBLA II No forum usage Has had 2 outta the last 3 games pooled. No forums usage made. neil363 01/10/06
    Simoi no topic made game vs pimp was not played and no topic was made BC PimpDaddy 01/10/06
    PimpRock1 limited forum activty not posted much in teh el1 arrange section all season BC PimpDaddy 01/10/06
    ryanjraz el2 games pooled nearly every single 1 of his games this season Boobiesaregreat 30/09/06
    beardedoafsun Pooled games 3 Euro league games pooled against. No sign of using the forums. neil363 27/09/06
    Clearster pooled games 2 Euro league games pooled against. No sign of using the forums. neil363 27/09/06
    Seraphs21 Limited forum activity Not using forums to arrange games[, as a result had to pool a few of his games BC PimpDaddy 27/09/06
    KaotiK360 Games pooled! too many games pooled in IL1, Season 5. No forum attempts to play the games. neil363 24/09/06
    VI1PER League Quitter? Not been on site for 7 days, no pms returned. Has however been on Live. All games pooled in EL5. neil363 22/09/06
    A HERO EMERGES League Quitter!! Quit EL5 season 5. Removed from EL5. neil363 16/09/06
    alexwilliams15 Constant quitting Second yellow, this time for quitting games. One more and you are gone! neil363 12/09/06
    Willstev League Quitter!! Quit UCL season 5. Removed from UCL1 neil363 11/09/06
    Frinkulator League Quitter!! Quit season 5. Removed from EL4. neil363 11/09/06
    superden360 Non-forum usage! 2 G1 games pooled. No forum posts at all for either game, neil363 06/09/06
    Willem League Quitter! Quit season 5. Removed from EL3. neil363 06/09/06
    Boobiesaregreat League Quitter Quit season 5. Removed from EL3. neil363 31/08/06
    IR0N TUSK League Quitter! Removed from EL5 for having only played 1 game. neil363 28/08/06
    sheva69 You are banned!! Ok guys this is one of airmax's aliases he has been banned , so he took it upon himself to enter mini cup even tho he is banned !!!!! Willstev 27/08/06
    damo833 League Quitter Quit season 5 a few weeks in as his disk is broken! neil363 25/08/06
    Joker0074 Read The Rules! It states in the rules that any game played on your account that is against antoher member via xboxlive will be classed as a valid game even if you claim it was not you playing! You said that it was not you thas#t took part in the Red koth game against beardsofsun but you quit out? lol carry on doing this shit and you will be removed at no hesitation by any of our admins! Tomski 22/08/06
    airmax69 League Quitting! Quit the league to play on rival site, good riddance. Tom, if you wanna redcard this one too, would be good! neil363 18/08/06
    uk manhammer Abuse and promoting lukes site Title says it all Willstev 17/08/06
    airmax69 Abuse Delivering abuse from banned league members and then abusing me. Yellow issued. League place under review. PimpRock1 17/08/06
    Manutdlad League Quitter Quit season, 1 week in. Replacement being found. neil363 15/08/06
    fiftypencehead abusive pm's sends abuse pm's to a fellow admin Boobiesaregreat 30/07/06
    ProRobbo League quitter He had a reason but left with nly 5 games to play BC PimpDaddy 19/07/06
    Manutdlad No notice! 1 hours notice given before he goes on holiday for two weeks. Exact s/b conversation is: '[10:14am] (x) Manutdlad i dont really have a ****in shit bout our games................yeeeheeeee goodbye for now..................' All games pooled against him neil363 15/07/06
    BYE7 test test mo fo Tomski 14/07/06
    BYE7 test t Tomski 14/07/06
    BYE7 test t Tomski 14/07/06
    BYE7 test test mo fo Tomski 14/07/06
    BYE7 test test mo fo Tomski 14/07/06
    BoZZ4 Needless really, but deserved!! Attempt to start a s/b arguement and then admitting it was all a joke. Wasnt funny at the time and the other member was livid. Not a good idea, so a needless yellow card I'm afriad. neil363 12/07/06
    princeromeo trouble maker another one and its a red card!! BC PimpDaddy 10/07/06
    PELE 91 League Quitter Quit Season 4 with approx 3 games left to play. neil363 07/07/06
    PELE 91 Pooled games! 3 fixtures pooled at end of season, no attempt made to play these games. neil363 07/07/06
    Bob88 Banned! For disrupting our leagues and league quitting Tomski 04/07/06
    blondedan Dropout Dropped out of the league due to 'too much lag'. Thats the game I'm afraid, nowt we can do about that!! neil363 29/06/06
    FinalMonkey Wanker! abnsolute nob head good riddance! Tomski 28/06/06
    RedCloud91 Time wasting I ahve decided to ban this member from all BOTN activities in the future he continues to come and go as he pleases and lets the side down half way through a season. Tomski 27/06/06
    FinalMonkey Ignorance Failure to respond to PM's and forum posts from other members deemed as inactive. Tomski 27/06/06
    RedCloud91 Dropout Again drops out of the season halfway through. Removed from 2 leagues. neil363 26/06/06
    mighty jeffs Drop Out Hasnt been on site for 5 days. Hasnt played a game for more than that. Removed from league neil363 26/06/06
    skinty Drop out Droped out of the league without even letting anyone know!! BC PimpDaddy 20/06/06
    pierre77 leaving left a league 6 games into the season BC PimpDaddy 19/06/06
    skinty rejecting results quit vs bkue dragon and refused the other result BC PimpDaddy 17/06/06
    Mimick This is a mimick account and is also making racist remarks BC PimpDaddy 15/06/06
    Cristiano007 abusive pm SENT ABUSE PM AFTER BEING BANNED FOR ABUSING ADMIN Boobiesaregreat 11/06/06
    Cristiano007 Refusing result Refusing minicup Sunday result. Wanted admin to put it through so he wouldnt lose Kudos. Rejected the posted result, then logged out. neil363 11/06/06
    phat flapps No games played Has yet to play a league game. Has been warned to play them and still no response. neil363 08/06/06
    Manutdlad abusive abusive pm which i have pm'd tomski Boobiesaregreat 05/06/06
    GorTekz Racist jokes making racist jokes in the shoutbox and upseeting our members Tomski 03/06/06
    KILLSWITCH 75 Abuse Abuse neil363 02/06/06
    UpsideDownSmile Abuse Abuse neil363 02/06/06
    KILLSWITCH 75 Abuse Constant pm and shoutbox abuse. Warned to stop it. neil363 02/06/06
    BoTnTest testtwat twattest Tomski 02/06/06
    test test Tomski 02/06/06
    Concho Not playing and no response As well as not playing the last few games of season3, this member has signed up to season 4 but not responded to any pm's regarding team allocation etc... Removed from the league. neil363 30/05/06
    tiger ted Not playing matches Signed up to the French Cup. Has seen 3 of his 4 games pooled with no sign of attempting to play the other. neil363 30/05/06
    TravnTravm Fraud I made a balls up at the bookies where a game I thought was played at 20:00 actually started at 16:00. When ManUtdlad announced the result in the shoutbox, TravNTravM went straight to the bookies and tried to place the bet after the result was known. I asked him about it and he admitted it and wrote an apology on the forums. He will also be fined 150 bucks. PimpRock1 29/05/06
    damo833 No Play No playing or arranging of league games for approx 4 weeks. neil363 20/05/06
    AK360 League quitter Qutting EL4 and IL1 without warning! neil363 18/05/06
    barndan abusive pm's Red carded for abusive pm's, league quitting, general being a tit! neil363 14/05/06
    naarmi League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    M277HEW League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    barndan League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    mighty jeffs League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    symons99 League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    blastoff2k League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    Kitano UK League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    sabertiger123 League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    Android2O2 League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    M277HEW League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    Lloydeo League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    neoghio League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    baldery League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    crazy gooner League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    mozla League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    airmax69 League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    symons99 League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    mighty jeffs League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    SilkeyWilkey League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    alexwilliams15 League quitter Quitting the league neil363 14/05/06
    GiftedJW Abuse to a member Issued first yellow for abuse over the Mic to lil_hunter7 after being questioned the members response was "coz i was pissed off m8, everyone gets like it from time to time, and apart from that i dnt av to answer to u do i!" I will not tolerate members abusing members over the mic or anywhere within the site. Tomski 10/05/06
    naarmi Leaving without notice This has been issued to him becuase of is leaving without notice on strike on his profile. Tomski 06/05/06

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