Backofthenet RSS Feed Backofthenet's latest news. Tue, 03 Jul 2025 23:26:40 +0100 Backofthenet RSS Feed Backofthenet's latest news Exclusive: "I expected to win!"<span style="font-family: Arial;">Last nights Mini Cup winner turned out to be whitey9 scouser on his 4th time of asking. </span><br style="font-family: Arial;"><br style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="font-family: Arial;">The 'BOTN reporter' was at Wembley to watch the final and caught up with a delighted scouser after the match:</span><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Firstly Congratulations on winning your first piece of BOTN silverware. How does this make you feel?</span><br><br><span style="font-style: italic;">Delighted, finally did myself justice in a Mini Cup at my fourth time of asking!</span><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Do you expect it to be the first of many?</span><br><br><span style="font-style: italic;">Hopefully yes, think im good enough to win every game I play and I expect to win every game, otherwise I wouldn't play - thats my mentality.</span><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Did you have an easy journey to the final? Any of your opponents stand out?</span><br><br style="font-style: italic;"><span style="font-style: italic;">Had a really tough first round match against Odvan. Me - Arsenal, him - Chelsea. with me winning 2-0.</span><br style="font-style: italic;"><br style="font-style: italic;"><span style="font-style: italic;">Then a crazy high scoring game in the second game against Jackdom, 5-4.</span><br style="font-style: italic;"><br style="font-style: italic;"><span style="font-style: italic;">Quarter finals against my good pal TonyBoy316 who knocked me out of the Mini Cup Friday. Revenge was deffo on the cards and i won 4-1.</span><br style="font-style: italic;"><br style="font-style: italic;"><span style="font-style: italic;">Semi Final was a big let down and I had a Bye because thegame983's PES disk wouldn't load!</span><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">What happened in the final match? Was it close?</span><br><br><span style="font-style: italic;">I met Aboosive in the final. It felt comfortable apart from the last 10 mins were he put pressure on me grabbing a goal and going close at the death. The match ended 2-1 to me.</span><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Did you expect to beat six time Mini Cup winner - Aboosive?</span><br><br><span style="font-style: italic;">To be honest mate, yeah! Weve played over 10 games and think he's won once in a Mini Cup final. lol.</span><br style="font-style: italic;"><span style="font-style: italic;">His style of play is taylor made for mine because he commits so many men forward when attacking.</span><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Any advice for the members who are still dreaming of lifting the coveted Mini Cup?</span><br><br><span style="font-style: italic;">Yeah, avoid me! lol. </span><br style="font-style: italic;"><span style="font-style: italic;">Just to concentrate at all times because its unreal how many times people give away the ball in bad areas.<br><br></span><b style="font-family: Sans Serif;"><i>For any of the new guys who don't have a clue what this is about, its simply a cup that starts and finishes on the same night. <br><br /> One is held every Friday and another is held every Sunday.<br><br /> <br><br /> The winner receives a profile trophy to show their achievement and also<br /> the honor of choosing the next weeks teams to go in the Poll.</i></b><br><span style="font-style: italic;"><br></span><br>"I-expected-to-win!""I-expected-to-win!"PES Free Kick tutorial videoI found this pretty decent pro evo free kick tutorial over at which I thought you guys could use.<br /> <br /> Report back here if you managed to get it working!<br /> <embed src= FlashVars=config=;vimg= quality=high bgcolor=#000000 wmode=transparent width=380 height=315 name=flvplayer align=middle allowScriptAccess=sameDomain type=application/x-shockwave-flash pluginspage=> </embed> is liam off big brother<div>&nbsp;<br><img src="picupload/news_176256567.jpg" alt="beck" alignment="" border="" hspace="" vspace=""><br><font style="font-weight: bold;" size="5">vs&nbsp;</font><div style="text-align: left;"><img src="" alt="Liam Big Brother" alignment="" border="" hspace="" vspace=""></div> <br>Is beck ACTUALLY liam of big brother?<br>I think so!!<br>So beck, what ya gonna do with the 100k mate<br></div> and his review of my gamertag space<b><a href="">WWW.MYGAMERTAGSPACE.COM</a></b>&nbsp;<br /> <br /> There are so many features.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> I’ll start with a brief summary of the site<br /> as a whole before going into details.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Obviously we all have, or know someone with<br /> a “myspace” account.<br /> The site basically does what it says on the<br /> tin.&nbsp; <br /> Gives people there own space.<br /> So idea being, Mr non-computer knowledge<br /> (me), wants a small piece of web for myself to showcase my pics, music, friends<br /> etc.&nbsp; <br /> Myspace gives me the opportunity to<br /> do this.&nbsp; <br /> It also lets you communicate<br /> with friends as well as make new ones.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> So why is <a href="">WWW.MYGAMERTAGSPACE.COM</a> different?<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Well essentially its aimed primarily at<br /> Video Gamers.&nbsp; <br /> At the moment the site<br /> encourages members from several formats….<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Xbox 360<br /> PS3<br /> Wee (Sorry Wii, never liked the name of this one!)<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Console owners… when inputting <a href=""></a> into your browser,<br /> you will be met with the main screen.&nbsp;<br /> Nice and simple it is.&nbsp; <br /> &nbsp;<br /> Choose one of 3 console formats and<br /> register.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> All that is needed at this time is a valid<br /> e-mail address, not even a gamer tag is required at the moment, which I think<br /> is a great idea as it may encourage people into <br /> Gaming that wouldn’t normally think about<br /> it.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> So in effect, I suppose you don’t have to<br /> be a gamer to be a member.&nbsp; <br /> Maybe a<br /> friend of a gamer, or relative perhaps?<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Once in you will be met with a personal<br /> message from the site owners welcoming you to the site!&nbsp; <br /> How cool is that!&nbsp; <br /> Tomski and m0nkeymafia are their names very clever chaps.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> You will be given a basic home page.&nbsp; <br /> To start with it may appear very bland, but<br /> don’t despair.&nbsp;<br /> This has been done purposely.&nbsp; <br /> For the VERY FEW people that aren’t aware<br /> of the “myspace” concept, you basically are given a blank canvass and have a<br /> free licence to make your home page into what you like.&nbsp; <br /> &nbsp;<br /> What can I put on?&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> &nbsp;<br /> Anything is the answer!!&nbsp;<br /> You need to imagine you are looking at<br /> someone else’s space.&nbsp; <br /> What would you<br /> like to know about them?<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Obviously name, age etc.&nbsp;<br /> Pictures, videos, music… anything you<br /> like.&nbsp; <br /> You are also encouraged to use a<br /> “skin” or background to your page to liven it up abit.&nbsp; <br /> Many of these can be found on the net with a<br /> half decent search engine.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> If you’re unsure… check out other people<br /> profile before doing your own.&nbsp; This is<br /> what I did.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> For the total amateur, mygamertag even<br /> provides a few “skins” so you can get yourself started!!&nbsp; <br /> &nbsp;<br /> Other features<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Ok, so you’re set up… what next?<br /> There are forums, discuss ANYTHING you<br /> like!<br /> &nbsp;<br /> My personal fave is the BLOG.&nbsp; <br /> For some strange reason I love to talk bout<br /> my day and get it off my chest.&nbsp; Don’t<br /> ask me why?&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> Other people can read this<br /> information so be careful what you write!<br /> &nbsp;<br /> You can rate other users profiles / blogs /<br /> pics, and if you want, even try to become the most popular member in the<br /> “popular members” league table!!&nbsp; (For<br /> the record I went through the first 10 pages, I was nowhere to be seen)<br /> &nbsp;<br /> On top of all these great features, the<br /> site hasn’t forgotten some basic requirements that are essential for any site<br /> similar.<br /> You can if you like make your profile<br /> private, making it impossible for people outside your friends list to see. <br /> &nbsp;<br /> Anybody who sends you a friends request has<br /> to have it approved by yourself, meaning you wont be annoyed by countless<br /> people… again meaning that your friends list can be just that, for your<br /> friends.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> I could go on forever about this site but I<br /> think you get the picture.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> It’s new (a week old, who would guess!!),<br /> its fresh, its unique but most of all, it brings gamers from all over the world<br /> together, which in my opinion is the most important thing.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> My recommendation?<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Join this site!!!&nbsp; Simple.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> It can only grow from here on in, and with the site owners previous<br /> pedigree, I cannot see anything else for <a href=""></a> other than<br /> overwhelming success. <br /> &nbsp;<br /> Well-done guys… I’m off to enjoy the site<br /> some more!!<br /> <br /> My profile<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> .&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Gamer tag – Beck21941. Xbox 360.<br /> <br /> the winner is.....SAM635.<br /> <br /> Congratulations to Sam635 and his Udinese team for winning the first ever UCL Invitational Cup by beating Supaj Rehab (Atalanta) in the final.<br /> <br /> Thanks to everyone who played in the cup. If you would like to maybe get an invite to the next one, in a few weeks time, please keep getting involved in all aspects of the site including the forums!!<br /> <br /> The trophy and buck reward is winging its way to Sam NOW!! Gamertag SpaceHaving listened to my missus go on for weeks about how good mysapce is I decided to make a myspace gamers version as I dont like the myspcae as it is lol and its just as good I tell thee! <br /> <br /> The difference is that <a href="">My gamertag space</a> is solely for gamers around the globe to connect and have fun lay down challenges etc... <br /> <br /> You can fully customzie your profile like I have done at<br /> <br /> It's free to join and it jam packed with features enjoy!<br /> <br /> P.S spread the word and get every gamer you know to signup.<br /> all about The Galer!!Thats right folks, he thinks hes great, and hes kinda proved it.<br /> <br /> The 5th UCL season has come to a close and Stueyg87 (The Galer) has come out on top in UCL1 (narrowly beating myself to the title). His NEC Nijmegen team have also walked away with the first ever Challenge Cup title. A worthy double winner, congrats go out to Stuey.<br /> UCL2 was expected to be a walk in the park for Sam635 and his mighty Udinese, but a bad start let Copius and ES Troyes in to take the Div2 title. Both will be spending next season in UCL1, will they be able to challenge in the top league??<br /> <br /> The UCL is unique in many ways but possibly the best thing about it is the fact we record a number of match stats. <br /> <br /> Obviously the most sought after is the top club goalscorer. This season saw a three way battle between the old guard of Chiesa (Siena) and Shatskikh (Dynamo Kiev) and the new boy from Udinese, Iaquinta!! Lil_Hunter7 managed to steer Shatskikh towards the goal a couple more times tho and takes the top individual scorer award with 64 league and cup goals for the main man. Special mention must go out to Lewimay for managing to get Uche (top scorer for RC Recreativo) to hit the net 39 times. Lewi was singled out in the last round of dirty buyouts and although he had one of the worst teams in the league, still managed to get Uche scoring!!! Oh, he also WON the league cup, god damn that wasnt meant to happen!!! Well done Lewi.<br /> <br /> Dirtiest player of the season?? Well, take your pick from dirty Nbuk, the last man hacker Indiana Dave or the old tackling pro Jonboyo!! All managed to get a worse bookings record than David Batty and Robbie Savage put together. Shame on all three of you!!<br /> <br /> Another special mention, this time for Oj4y. The poor man wasnt content with coming bottom of UCL2 but also lost out in his grudge match vs Speightman, scored only 10 goals in 18 league games AND took a massive bucks loss for backing himself with shares!! Maybe next season eh Oj4y!!<br /> <br /> Number of goalscorers?? Well, this seasons one man team goes to.....wait for it......yep its him.......Lewimay (again). He played over 30 matches this season, how many players scored for him??? THREE, thats right 3. Remember tho, one of those was Uche!!<br /> The players with the most goalscorers were Jonboyo (UCL1), 10 different scorers - most probably because they'd score and then get sent off!! - and Diddley (UCL2) with 8 different scorers. A feat in itself seeing as he only scored 18 league goals!!<br /> <br /> Anyways, the next UCL season is upon us and its time for a Speightman special buyout! Who will keep their team?? Will Sam keep hold of Udinese?? Will anyone be mad enough to buy Club Brugge from Oj4y. We'll find out soon enough!!<br /> <br /> Thanks to everyone who has applied for a UCL spot in the past few months. We currently have a solid group of players but if you would maybe like to have a crack in the future, please remember to get involved in all aspects of the site (especially the forums). <br /> <br /> Maybe YOU could get VOTED IN!!!!!!Liverpool Vs AC Milan Champions League finalI'm pretty sure that anyone that enjoys football will be watching this tonight if not then what the hell is wrong with you? <br /> <br /> If the last encounter is anything to go by then this promises to be a fantastic match hopefully much better than the past weekends FA Cup encounter between Manu and chelsea. <br /> <br /> Good luck to Liverpool!<br /> <br /> C'mon the pool :) mini cupTonight saw the our first automated mini cup process takeover the site. <br /> <br /> I was as nervous as hell but its all gone smoothly with a few teething problem but that's to be expected. <br /> <br /> The new system will automatically start the cups on a friday at 9:30 and on a sunday at 8:30 even if an admin is not present on the site. <br /> <br /> The system will also appoint a random admin from the list of members that are online at the time you never know if your here on time it could be you!.<br /> <br /> Heres what our first random mini cup admin had to say about the experience.<br /> <br /> <a href'DeWalker'>DeWalker</a><br /> "At first glance the admin panel seemed fairly straightforward, only taking a couple of minutes to really figure out how everything worked. Even the things that weren't exactly labelled of what they were used for were simple enough to operate, and now with the tweaks given it's been made to not have any gaps of information as such so everything is labelled clearly so anyone can have a good stab at being admin, without getting stuck when faced with one of the tasks you may have to do with it.<br /> <br /> We even had a hat added to the person who is the temp admin on shoutbox too, so even if the admin changes at some point, it's better to identify who you need to speak to about problems you're having with the Cups.<br /> <br /> I think with the admin panel pretty much complete it'll be a fun chance for anyone to have a shot at what it's like to have a go and run a cup, it should work out nicely, I can't see it needing anything else added at present, maybe we will find out when other people have had their shot at it."<br /> <br /> See you all on sunday! <br /> <br /> Btw big shout out to m0nkeymafia for teaching me the ways of php ;p <br /> achievementsI have just finalized our game achievements system on BOTN.<br /> <br /> Alot of you will get a few achievements over the next few days taking into account your total game history on BOTN. <br /> When you gain an achievement you will be informed by PM you will also gain points for the achievement. <br /> <br /> I'm very excited by this new feature I think its frickin awesome enjoy.<br /> <br /> Current achievements available.<br /> <b>Non recurring</b><br /> First online match<br /> 10 online matches<br /> 50 online matches<br /> 100 online matches<br /> 200 online matches<br /> 400 online matches<br /> 500 online matches<br /> 1000 online matches<br /> 2000 online matches<br /> 3000 online matches<br /> <br /> <b>Recurring daily</b><br /> 20 online matches in one day<br /> 10 online matches in one day<br /> 30 online matches in one day<br /> 40 online matches in one day<br /> <br /> <b>Recurring weekly</b><br /> 150 online matches in the past week<br /> <br /> <b>Recurring monthly</b><br /> 150 online matches in the past month<br /> 300 online matches in the past month<br /> <br /> I am in the process of adding more :) <br /> <br /> I have not finished off the profile section to display the achievements that a member has got yet but it will be done soon. There will also be a leaderboard coming so keep on the look out.